Friday, 29 September 2017

End of term 3

welcome the the amazing end of the term. 
This term has Ben so so good .I  am going to show you all the amazing work i have done but not everything just my best work that i have done but first i'm going to set two goals for next term .

.get to take  away on etra maths.
.get better at spelling. 
This is my house map this was very  fun to make this was for reading .
This is my homework for this term
This is my writing this was so fun and 
this is my dragon for Mandarin and we did Mandarin all off term 3 and once you get the hay of everything its very  fun 
so this is my blog for the end of the term and i hope you like it 
by Ryah 

Friday, 22 September 2017

week 9 trem 3

This week has Been good we have been doing prep and today is the big market  me and my friends are making dream catchers and pencil holders this is my etra maths and this is my reading.
i don't think i can work on everything
 theirs are the dream catchers if you would like to buy one they are 15 mes and this year we called the prep money  mes  this is a pencil holders they are 10 mes if you want one
                                                                             the end  

Friday, 1 September 2017

term 3 week 6

this week has Been good i have done lots of work  like word work reading

this was a lot of fun we got a word and we had to try and get a lot of   words in that word do you get it  
this is my reading follow up  
this is my Etramaths